Forecast report of the next Bitcoin Price changes

The following table present the next bitcoin price changes using a green arrow () if the price is expected to increase, or a red arrow () is the price is expected to decrease, in comparison to the corresponding price given in the same line. Only the USD-BTC market is monitored. The report is generated each 3 hours and present, from the current time, the changes for the next 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 1 day and 2 days. The most accurate reports are obtained for 1 and 2 days, as can be shown by the accuracy. The prediction algorithm needs the parameters of the last available data, this is why there is a delay of approximatively 3 hours between the current time and the last forecasts.


Date of the forecast report: 13/02/2014 09:18:34
Last data downloaded: 13/02/2014 09:06:31

Forecasts in comparison to current USD price Observations and correct predictions
Date Real Price + 15 min + 30 min + 1 h + 2 h + 6 h + 1 day + 2 days + 15 min + 30 min + 1 h + 2 h + 6 h + 1 day + 2 day
11/02/2014 00:00 $589.91 ($588) ($570.32) ($582.1) ($572) ($565) ($581.96) ($540)
11/02/2014 01:00 $582.1 ($566.81) ($572) ($578.2) ($556) ($567) ($541)
11/02/2014 02:00 $572 ($575) ($587) ($578.2) ($580) ($555.51) ($567) ($525)
11/02/2014 03:00 $578.2 ($570.02) ($576) ($580) ($562) ($565) ($573.14) ($509.82)
11/02/2014 04:00 $580 ($576.7) ($575) ($562) ($565) ($599) ($561) ($513.8)
11/02/2014 05:00 $562 ($568) ($569.67) ($565) ($556) ($596.87) ($567.38) ($504)
11/02/2014 06:00 $565 ($575) ($566) ($550.55) ($580.63) ($552.5) ($513)
11/02/2014 07:00 $556 ($557) ($555) ($555.51) ($565) ($566.67) ($557) ($503)
11/02/2014 08:00 $555.51 ($562) ($559.02) ($565) ($599) ($573.6) ($523.88) ($501.87)
11/02/2014 09:00 $565 ($569.56) ($570.33) ($599) ($596.87) ($560.56) ($516) ($504.85)
11/02/2014 10:00 $599 ($588) ($603) ($596.87) ($575) ($571.71) ($531.03)
11/02/2014 11:00 $596.87 ($590) ($587.59) ($575) ($566.67) ($573) ($523.18)
11/02/2014 12:00 $575 ($582) ($581.5) ($566.67) ($573.6) ($572) ($520.09)
11/02/2014 13:00 $581 ($566) ($576.99) ($571.9) ($572) ($570.02) ($529.4)
11/02/2014 14:00 $573.6 ($561.1) ($572.5) ($560.56) ($571.71) ($579.64) ($529.98)
11/02/2014 15:00 $560.56 ($570) ($565.48) ($571.71) ($573) ($582) ($530)
11/02/2014 16:00 $571.71 ($575) ($561.2) ($573) ($571.25) ($532.1)
11/02/2014 17:00 $573 ($569.5) ($571.92) ($573.46) ($564) ($566.93)
11/02/2014 18:00 $572 ($573.46) ($573.6) ($570.02) ($579.64) ($583.81) ($561.13)
11/02/2014 19:00 $573.46 ($573.61) ($572) ($579.64) ($582) ($567) ($560)
11/02/2014 20:00 $579.64 ($579.95) ($577) ($582) ($571.25) ($567) ($553.56)
11/02/2014 21:00 $582 ($579.99) ($571.1) ($571.25) ($564) ($573.14) ($543.1)
11/02/2014 22:00 $571.25 ($579.3) ($578) ($564) ($581.96) ($561) ($551.29)
11/02/2014 23:00 $564 ($565) ($561.56) ($581.96) ($567) ($567.38) ($550.92)
12/02/2014 00:00 $581.96 ($568) ($578) ($567) ($567) ($556) ($540)
12/02/2014 01:00 $567 ($567) ($573.72) ($567) ($573.14) ($557) ($541)
12/02/2014 02:00 $567 ($570) ($565.67) ($573.14) ($561) ($523.88) ($525)
12/02/2014 03:00 $573.14 ($563.98) ($570.97) ($561) ($567.38) ($516) ($509.82)
12/02/2014 04:00 $561 ($560.53) ($568) ($567.38) ($556) ($531.03) ($513.8)
12/02/2014 05:00 $567.38 ($566.75) ($564.95) ($556) ($557) ($523.18) ($504)
12/02/2014 06:00 $556 ($559.54) ($558) ($557) ($523.88) ($520.09) ($501.83)
12/02/2014 07:00 $557 ($538) ($525) ($523.88) ($516) ($521.5) ($503)
12/02/2014 08:00 $523.88 ($529) ($523.11) ($516) ($531.03) ($529.98) ($501.87)
12/02/2014 09:00 $516 ($532) ($530) ($531.03) ($523.18) ($530) ($504.85)
12/02/2014 10:00 $531.03 ($546.52) ($527) ($523.18) ($520.09) ($532.1)
12/02/2014 11:00 $523.18 ($520.51) ($520.99) ($520.09) ($521.5) ($566.93)
12/02/2014 12:00 $520.09 ($515.11) ($513.68) ($521.5) ($529.98) ($571)
12/02/2014 13:00 $521.5 ($522.79) ($525.68) ($529.98) ($530) ($560)
12/02/2014 14:00 $529.98 ($526.32) ($532.42) ($530) ($532.1) ($553.56)
12/02/2014 15:00 $530 ($528.2) ($534.2) ($532.1) ($566.93) ($543.1)
12/02/2014 16:00 $532.1 ($539.45) ($542) ($566.93) ($571) ($551.29)
12/02/2014 17:00 $566.93 ($575) ($572.1) ($571) ($560) ($550.92)
12/02/2014 18:00 $571 ($568.51) ($564.64) ($560) ($553.56) ($540)
12/02/2014 19:00 $560 ($550) ($554.94) ($553.56) ($543.1) ($541)
12/02/2014 20:00 $553.56 ($548.37) ($542) ($543.1) ($551.29) ($525)
12/02/2014 21:00 $543.1 ($559.75) ($547.85) ($551.29) ($550.92) ($509.82)
12/02/2014 22:00 $551.29 ($545) ($553.88) ($550.92) ($540) ($513.8)
12/02/2014 23:00 $550.92 ($549.44) ($545) ($540) ($541) ($504)
13/02/2014 00:00 $540 ($542.4) ($540) ($541) ($525) ($501.83)
13/02/2014 01:00 $541 ($527.6) ($526.51) ($525) ($509.82) ($503)
13/02/2014 02:00 $525 ($520.88) ($525) ($509.82) ($513.8) ($501.87)
13/02/2014 03:00 $509.82 ($502.5) ($513.6) ($513.8) ($504) ($504.85)
13/02/2014 04:00 $513.8 ($513.13) ($501.9) ($504) ($501.83)
13/02/2014 05:00 $504 ($510.5) ($503.65) ($501.83) ($503)
13/02/2014 06:00 $501.83 ($511.22) ($509.48) ($503) ($501.87)
13/02/2014 07:00 $503 ($504.52) ($501) ($501.87) ($504.85)
13/02/2014 08:00 $501.87 ($506.06) ($509.63) ($504.85)
13/02/2014 09:00
13/02/2014 10:00
13/02/2014 11:00
13/02/2014 12:00
13/02/2014 13:00
13/02/2014 14:00
13/02/2014 15:00
13/02/2014 16:00
13/02/2014 17:00
13/02/2014 18:00
13/02/2014 19:00
13/02/2014 20:00
13/02/2014 21:00
13/02/2014 22:00
13/02/2014 23:00
Accuracy 0.49