List of publications (Arnaud Quirin)

Book chapters

J. Korczak, A. Quirin, Chapter Evolutionary Mining for Image Classification Rules; LNCS Artificial Evolution, pp 153--165, 2003 (same paper as the one published in the EA2003 conference)

A. Quirin, J. Korczak; Chapter Discovering of Classification Rules from Hyperspectral Images; Book Genetic and Evolutionary Image Processing and Analysis; S. Cagnoni, E. Lutton and G. Olague editors, pages 327-348.
REVISED: 13/12/2006; PROOF: 8/1/2008

A., Quirin, O. Cordón, Vmap-Layout, A Layout Algorithm for Drawing Scientograms. In: A. Abraham, A.E. Hassanien and V. Snásel (Eds.), Computational Social Networks Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advances (Computer Communications and Networks series), Springer-Verlag, London (2009). Accepted for publication. 

International journal articles

A. Quirin; Carte de consensualité; Revue Internationale de Géomatique; 17(3-4): 353-369 (2007).
RECEIVED: 24/9/2007; DOI:10.3166/geo.17.353-369

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, J. Santamaria, B. Vargas-Quesada, F. Moya-Anegon; A new Variant of the Pathfinder Algorithm to Generate Large Visual Science Maps in Cubic Time; Information, Processing & Management Journal, 44(4): 1611-1623 (2008). 

RECEIVED: 16/4/2007; REVISED: 3/9/2007; ACCEPTED: 8/9/2007; IMPACT FACTOR 2007: 1.500.; CATEGORY: COMP. SCI., INF. SYST; ORDER: 27/92; DOI:10.1016/j.ipm.2007.09.005

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, V. P. Guerrero-Bote, B. Vargas-Quesada, F. Moya-Anegon; A Quick MST-based Algorithm to Obtain Pathfinder Networks; Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(12): 1912-1924 (2008).

SUBMITTED: 12/9/2007; REVISED: 21/2/2008; NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: 14/4/2008; PUBLISHED: 8/7/2008; IMPACT FACTOR 2007: 1.436; CATEGORY: COMP. SCI., INF. SYST; ORDER: 29/92; DOI:10.1002/asi.20904

J. Santamaria, O. Cordon, S. Damas, J. M. Garcia-Torres, A. Quirin; Performance Evaluation of Memetic Approaches in 3D Reconstruction of Forensic Objects, Special Issue on 'Emerging Trends in Soft Computing - Memetic Algorithms', Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 13(8-9): 883-904 (2009).
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: 30/7/2008; IMPACT FACTOR 2007: 0.607; CATEGORY: COMP. SCI., AI; ORDER: 66/93; DOI: 10.1007/s00500-008-0351-7

E. Serrano, A. Quirin, J. Botia, O. Cordon; Debugging Complex Software Systems by Means of Pathfinder Networks; Information Sciences, 180(5): 561-583 (2010).
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: 3/11/2009; IMPACT FACTOR 2009: 3.291; DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2009.11.007

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, B. Vargas-Quesada, F. de Moya-Anegon; Graph-based Data Mining: A New Tool for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Domains Represented as Scientograms; Informetrics, 4(3): 291-312 (2010).
SUBMITTED: 25/12/2009; NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: 20/01/2010; IMPACT FACTOR 2008: 2.531; CATEGORY: INF. SCI., LIB.SCI.; ORDER: 3/61; DOI: 10.1016/j.joi.2010.01.004

A. Quirin, J. Korczak; GramGen: A Genetic Programming System Based on Context Free Grammar; Data Mining and Business Intelligence, 16: 128-147 (2010).

O. Cordon, A. Quirin; Comparing two genetic overproduce-and-choose strategies for fuzzy rule-based multiclassification systems generated by bagging and mutual information-based feature selection; International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 7(1): 45-64 (2010).

PUBLISHED ONLINE: 04/02/2010. DOI: 10.3233/HIS-2010-0104

National journal articles

J. Korczak, A. Quirin, Découverte de règles de classification par approche évolutive : application aux images de télédétection, Revue d'intelligence artificielle, Vol. 17, Num. 1-3, pp 509—520, 2003, selected paper from the proceedings of the EGC 2003 conference.

International conferences

J. Korczak, A. Quirin, Evolutionary Approach to Discovery of Classification Rules from Remote Sensing Images, 5th European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing (EvoIASP2003), pp 388-398, Essex, 2003.

J. Korczak, A. Quirin, Evolutionary Mining for Image Classification Rules, 6th International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA2003), Marseille, 2003 (same paper as the one published in the LNCS Artifical Evolution book)

A. Quirin, J. Korczak, M. Butz, D. Goldberg, Analysis and Evaluation of Learning Classifier Systems applied to Hyperspectral Image Classification, 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'2005), pp 280--285, Wroclaw, Poland, september 2005. 

A. Quirin, J. Korczak, Representation of Genetic Individuals for Unmixing Multispectral Data, 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2005), pp 1325--1331, Edinburg, Scotland, september 2005. 

D. Sheeren, A. Quirin, A. Puissant, P. Gancarski, C. Weber, Discovering Rules with Genetic Algorithm to Classify Remotely Sensed Data, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'06), IEEE Edition, pp 3919--3922, Denver, Colorado, July 2006.

O. Cordon, A. Quirin and L. Sanchez; A First Study on Bagging Fuzzy Rule-based Classification Systems with Multicriteria Genetic Selection of the Component Classifiers; 3rd International Workshop on Genetic and Evolving Fuzzy Systems (GEFS 2008); 4-7 March 2008; Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, pages 11-16.

SUBMITTED: 9/1/2008

O. Cordon, A. Quirin and L. Sanchez; On the use of bagging, mutual information-based feature selection and multicriteria genetic algorithms to design fuzzy rule-based classification ensembles; 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2008); 10-12 September 2008; Barcelona, Spain, pages 549-554.

SUBMITTED: 15/7/2008

A. Quirin, O. Cordón; A Space-Based Layout Algorithm for the Drawing of Co-citation Networks; International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASON 2009); 24-27 June 2009; Fontainebleau, France, pages 65-72.
SUBMITTED: 2/6/2009

K. Trawinski, A. Quirin, O. Cordón; Bi-criteria Genetic Selection of Bagging Fuzzy Rule-based Multiclassification Systems; International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009); 20-24 July 2009; Lisbon, Portugal, pages 1514-1519.
SUBMITTED: 11/6/2009

K. Trawiński, A. Quirin and O. Cordón; On the Combination of Accuracy and Diversity Measures for Genetic Selection of Bagging Fuzzy Rule-based Multiclassification Systems; 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2009); 30 November-2 December 2009; Pisa, Italy, pages 121-127. 
SUBMITTED: 14/9/2009

L. Sanchez, O. Cordón, A. Quirin and K. Trawiński; Introducing a Genetic Fuzzy Linguistic Combination Method for Bagging Fuzzy Rule-Based Multiclassification Systems; 4th International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionay Fuzzy Systems (GEFS 2010); 17-19 March 2010; Mieres, Spain, pages 75-80. 
SUBMITTED: 23/11/2009

O. Cordon, A. Quirin, R. Romero; Multiple Ant colony System for Substructure Discovery; 7th International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2010): Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS); Brussels, Belgium, pages 472-479.

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, S. Prakash, C. Zarco Fernández; Analysis of the Time evolution of Scientograms Using the Subdue Graph Mining Algorithm; 13th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU2010): Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Dotmund, Germany, pages 310-319.

S. Prakash, A. Quirin, O. Cordon; A multiobjective variant of the Subdue graph mining algorithm based on the NSGA-II selection mechanism; Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010 (CEC 2010); Barcelona, Spain, pages 463-470.

National conferences

J. Korczak, A. Quirin, Découverte de règles de classification par approche évolutive : application aux images de télédétection, Journées francophones d'Extraction et de Gestion de Connaissances (EGC2003), Lyon, January 2003.

C. Mac Gregor, M. Marani, D. Mason, M. Menenti, D. Paterson, A. Quirin, R. Rigon, A. Rinaldo, T. Scott, S. Silvestri, S. Vardy, C. Wang, Observations and ecogeomorphological modelling of tidal environments, XXIX Convegno di Idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, Italy, september 2004. 

A. Quirin, J. Korczak, The Consensual Measure, Colloque International de Géomatique et d'Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO), Strasbourg, september 2006.

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, S. Prakash, C. Zarco Fernández; Análisis de la evolución temporal de Cienciogramas mediante el algoritmo Subdue de minería de grafos; Actas del V Simposio de Teoría y Aplicaciones de Minería de Datos (TAMIDA 2010), Tercer Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2010); Valencia, Spain, pages 219-226.

Research reports

A. Quirin, Découverte de règles de classification par classifieurs évolutifs, Msc Thesis, Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, 2002. 

A. Quirin, J. Korczak, M. Butz, D. Goldberg, Learning Classifier Systems for Hyperspectral Images Processing, Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Image, de l'Informatique et de la Télédétection, Université Louis Pasteur, Illkirch, Num. 2004/01, 2004. 

A. Quirin, Découverte de règles de classification par approche évolutive : application aux images de télédétection, PhD Thesis, Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, december 2005. (summaries are available in french and in english ; defense are available in french in 3 zipped parts )

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, J. Santamaria, B. Vargas-Quesada, F. Moya-Anegon; A new Variant of the Pathfinder Algorithm to Generate Large Visual Science Maps in Cubic Time; Research Report N° AFERU-07-01; European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, 15 pages.
PRINTED: 28/2/2007

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, V.P. Guerrero-Bote, B. Vargas-Quesada, F. Moya-Anegon; On-Line Generation of Visual Science Maps for Vast Scientific Domains by Using a Quicker MST-Based Alternative to Pathfinder; Research Report N° AFERU-07-03; European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, 9 pages.
PRINTED: 30/3/2007

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, Vmap-layout, A Layout Algorithm for Drawing Scientogram; Research Report N° AFERU-2008-02; European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, 6 pages.
PRINTED: 26/2/2008

A. E. Serrano, A. Quirin, J.Botia, O. Cordón, Debugging complex software systems by means of pathfinder networks. Research Report N° AFE 2009-02; European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres.  
PRINTED: 18/3/2009

Unpublished work

A. Quirin, J. Korczak, Learning Classifier Systems: the Representation Point of View, for the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
SUBMITTED: 9/8/2006

A. Quirin, Generation of Soft-Pruned PFNet Maps, European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, 10 pages.
PRINTED: 28/2/2007

A. Quirin, O. Cordon, Algorithms to Generate PFNet Maps, European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, 22 pages.
PRINTED: 30/3/2007